Fighting pharmaceutical counterfeiting together Syntegon firmly believes in open platforms Long-standing experience brings benefits to working group Waiblingen – Syntegon Technology recently joined the Open Serialization Communication Standard (OPEN-SCS) Group. Joint goals include the fight against pharmaceutical counterfeiting and the establishment of interoperable interfaces for the implementation of adequate serialization
Tovább...Industry 4.0
In theory, we are talking and reading a lot about Industry 4.0. But what are the expedient I4.0 scenarios that have already been put into practice in product marking? cab’s editorial department asked Mario Hiss. The Sales Director Automated Product labeling at the long-established South German company explains, amongst other
Tovább...In the near future, the manufacturing processes will be increasingly integrated and the industry will embrace a smart factory approach. Aiming to deliver innovative solutions that will help the plastics processors to achieve progress on this challenging path, Piovan will show relevant new products at this year Fakuma. At the
Tovább...A Bosch Packaging Technology bemutatja a csomagolás rendszerek és vonalakhoz való kompetenciáját a digitalizálás korában Számos innováció a gépekben és a digitális szolgáltatásokban A 2016-os értékesítés kb. 1,3 milliárd euró volt hasonlóan az előző évhez képest Európa az értékesítés 40 százalékát teszi ki Düsseldorf / Waiblingen - A Bosch