Upakovka is an international exhibition or packaging machinery, machines for the production of packaging materials and packaging materials in Kiev. Here, a variety of exhibitors will present innovative technologies and materials for production and learn about the latest trends and products. At the same time the trade is an access
MEET THE TOP DECISION MAKERS! upakovka is the no. one trade fair in Russia for Packaging and Processing machines In 2018, 24,900 experts from Russia and its neigbhouring countries came to upakovka Discover new developments on the world market Negotiate directly with suppliers EXHIBITION PROFILE Packaging machines and devices Packaging
Tovább...Russia's Leading Trade Fair for Packaging & Processing While Russia’s weak ruble, dramatically declining oil prices and the challenging political situation are affecting the Russian market for packaging and process technology, business has by no means come to a grinding halt. Russia and its neighbors still have a substantial demand